Killing of animals, disease, and pests
- Algaecide – a chemical agent that kills algae
- Acaricide – a chemical agent that kills mites.
- Avicide – a chemical agent that kills birds
- Bactericide – a chemical agent that kills bacteria.
- Biocide – a chemical agent that kills a broad spectrum of living organisms.
- Canicide – the killing of dogs. (Canis being Latin for dog)
- Cervicide – the killing of deer.
- Ceticide – the killing of whales.
- Culicide – a chemical agent that kills mosquitos.
- Felicide – the killing of cats
- Gallicide - the killing of chickens
- Fungicide – chemical agents or biological organisms used to kill or inhibit fungi or fungal spores.
- Germicide – an agent that kills germs, especially pathogenic microorganisms; a disinfectant
- Gonocide (also gonococcicide) – an agent that kills the bacterium causing gonorrhea
- Herbicide – an agent that kills unwanted plants, a weed killer.
- Insecticide – an agent that kills unwanted insects.
- Larvicide (also larvacide) – an insecticide targeted against the larval life stage of an insect.
- Lupicide – The killing of wolves.
- Microbicide – an agent used to kill or reduce the infectiousness of microorganisms.
- Miticide – {a chemical to kill mites.
- Muscicide – an agent that kills flies.
- Nemacide (also nematicide, nematocide) – a chemical to eradicate or kill nematodes.
- Ovacide – an agent that kills eggs of an organism particular a pest i.e. lice eggs.
- Parasiticide – a general term to describe an agent used to destroy parasites.
- Pediculicide – an agent that kills head lice.
- Pesticide – a general term to describe an agent used to destroy or repel a pest.
- Pulicicide (also pulicide) – an agent that kills fleas.
- Raticide – an agent for killing rats.
- Scabicide – a chemical agent for killing scabies.
- Spermicide – a contraceptive agent to render sperm inert and prevent fertilization.
- Tauricide – the killing of bulls or steers.
- Teniacide (also taeniacide, tenicide)– a chemical agent that kills tape worms.
- Vermicide – an agent used to kill parasitic intestinal worms.
- Vespacide – a chemical agent that kills wasps.
- Virucide (also viricide) – an agent capable of destroying or inhibiting viruses.
- Vulpicide (also vulpecide)- the killing of a fox by methods other than by hunting it with hounds.
- Used from: